Oleg GorelikCo-Founder & President of Evolve Foundation

    Oleg’s life is devoted to evolving his consciousness and helping others evolve theirs. His personal practice is his top priority. He helps others in two ways: working directly with people, with an emphasis on those who are in a position to help others; and initiating and supporting projects that are likely to contribute to the evolution and transformation of consciousness.

    Oleg holds an MA degree in chemistry from Moscow State University, MBA degree in finance from The Ohio State University, and M.Phil. degree in financial economics from Columbia Business School.

    He worked as a scientist and entrepreneur in the Soviet Union before moving to the US at the age 25. His first professional job in the U.S. involved designing and implementing a program for privatizing all commercial enterprises in Mongolia – the top economic reform of the first democratically elected Government of that country. In less than two years, more than 450 companies were privatized with no allegations of corruption. Oleg spent a number of years practicing as a financial planner for individuals and families as well as making his contribution to transforming financial planning into a service profession focused on helping people use financial resources to live more fulfilling lives.

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    Bo Shao, Chairman & Co-FounderDominika Halka, Managing Director