“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
- Albert Einstein

Change Starts
from the Inside.

We are all capable of evolving our consciousness.
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All people are capable of evolving to access deeper levels of love, joy, peace and freedom, and of connecting with each other, with nature, and with their authentic selves. As their consciousness evolves, people can connect more deeply, live their lives more fully, and share their unique gifts with the world more wisely and compassionately.


We dedicate our financial and human capital to both for-profit and not-for-profit initiatives that support evolution of consciousness.


We aspire to be one of the catalyzers of a movement that will positively and materially impact the lives of billions of people in the span of one generation.

Hear it from Bo

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Why Consciousness?

There is still so much suffering on this planet: not only from external circumstances such as wars, hunger, disease, inequality and environmental degradation, but also from issues internal to a human soul. Despite rising material comfort many people today feel just as lonely, purposeless, fearful or angry as ever.

A comprehensive solution to making the world a better place would have to address both external and internal dimensions of suffering.



Depth and Scale

Depth and Scale

We support big ideas with the potential to impact consciousness of millions of people, often through innovative use of technology. We also support projects that facilitate deep personal transformation.

We are most passionate about those initiatives that combine both depth and scale.

Ripple Effect

Ripple Effect

A deep transformation of one individual – particularly someone in a position of influence or power – can impact the lives of many and create a ripple effect. As their consciousness evolves, people will use their unique gifts to help the world in ways that we cannot possibly anticipate.



Our team’s expertise and deep engagement with our partner organizations amplify the impact of our investments and philanthropic contributions.

Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence

Our partner organizations – both for-profit and not-for-profit – are distinguished by the highest levels of competency and operational rigor.

our portfolio

Grow together


"Evolve has been an amazing partner and crucial to the growth of ParentLab. We share the same mission to positively impact the lives of parents and their children through compassion, wisdom, joy and strength. Our goal is to show parents they aren’t alone in their struggle and, through technology, we can help them build insightful, research-based skills that they can learn anytime, anywhere."

Jill Li


Free meditation for the world. One person at a time.

Insight Timer

"Bo contacted us in 2014 when we were raising some initial funding. During our first few meetings he was more interested in our conscious aspirations rather our commercials objectives. This is unusual. Bo believes doing Good and Well aren’t mutually exclusive and that companies can aspire to both. This belief has helped form our strategy and keep us grounded."

Christopher Plowman


Helping everyone connected to incarceration build better lives


"It's hard to image the trauma that affects those involved with incarceration. Working with Evolve drives us to think beyond just education and communication to consider the whole person, and how we can truly unlock that person's full potential."

Brian Hill


A contemporary spiritual path

Ridhwan Foundation

"The support from Evolve is a wonderful gift. Evolve’s professional expertise in fundraising, strategic planning, personnel staffing and program development has provided unparalleled guidance and advisement for the Ridhwan Foundation. There's an old saying,"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime." Evolve's focus on teaching us "how to fish" provides long-term benefits and lasting value."

Seth Schapiro

Executive Director

A path of primordial light

The Path of Primordial Light

"Working with Evolve has been an amazing journey of inspiration and co-creation, helping Kedumah crystallize its vision and manifest more fully its mission. Evolve embodies the evolution of consciousness through both wisdom and action, which is a rare and precious combination of gifts to offer the world."

Zvi lsh-Shalom, Ph.D


Realigning technology with humanity's best interests

Center for Humane Technology

"We are grateful to partner with Evolve on this important work, especially given our strong mutual alignment in service of humanity."

Tristan Harris

Co-founder & Executive Director

Contact Us

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